Adam James Sorensen and Friends - Midwest

主辦單位 A House

Adam James Sorensen (singer/songwriter, guitarist and drummer)

溫暖真摯的歌聲,情感很深,感覺很真 – 他是 Adam James Sorensen。






Born in Chicago, Sorensen grew up with a deep love for music and writing. After spending time searching for inspiration in the western United States, he relocated to New York City to pursue his music career.  While there, he immersed himself in NY's thriving music scene and finished a BFA in performance at the New School University. As he began to perform in Europe, Asia, and the U.K., he left New York for a change of scenery. He continued his music career in Europe for three years before choosing to return to Chicago in 2009. As Sorensen's life had remained in constant motion for well over a decade, his return to Chicago provided a context for him to both reflect, and to process what he had gathered in his travels.  


On his debut recording, MIDWEST, he builds a lush and distinctive sound with the help of an eclectic, highly seasoned group of musicians. The album was recorded at Forgiveness Studio with renowned alt-folk producer Evan Brubaker (Edie Carey, Rachel Harrington), and features a remarkable line-up of guest musicians that include violist Eyvind Kang (Bill Frisell, Beck), multi-instrumentalist Mark Spencer (Son Volt), cellist Christopher Hoffman (Henry Threadgill), Seattle singer/songwriter Rachel Harrington & mandolin legend Don Stiernberg.


  1. 本節目網站訂購之取票方式提供郵寄(每筆酌收$50手續費)及全家取票(4張為限,每筆酌收$30取票手續費,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)。
  2. 本活動亦可至全家便利商店以現金方式購票,每筆限購4張,不需酌收取票手續費。


  1. 節目開始前半小時開放入場
  2. 為維持演出品質,請避免將外食飲品攜帶入場
  3. 退換票作業請參考KKTIX退換票說明,此節目於2015/11/4(含)起恕不接受退換票。
A House / 台北市復興南路一段107巷5弄18號


票種 販售時間 售價

2015/10/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2015/11/14 20:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$350